"Well-behaved women seldom make history."
- Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Let me share a story with you..

After reading it, if you previously thought that all strippers are cheap and they are there only to show some skin, your opinion could be changed.

The location is in Cape Town. The club is huge with 3 levels and about 80 girls work together. But I remember this night was quiet. I mean we had customers, even an organised bachelor party but not a full house. In a dark corner that was a guy sitting alone and starring into his glass. I was looking at him for a while, and then he lifted up his head and our eyes met. He wasn't a good looking one but it was something strange around him. I sent him a smile and I carried on the conversation with my friend. I had no intention to approach him.

You can read more of the story here.

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