"Well-behaved women seldom make history."
- Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Friday, 31 October 2014

Happy Halloween! Boo hoo!

Hm, I think this year I will skip all these Halloween madness as I go back from Paris to London earlier as I planned. Just in case I brought my sexy nurse costume with me to dress up but I don't feel the need for a crazy Halloween party. I have had it enough. When I was working in London it was always a big deal, we were talking about costumes and make-ups and decoration even a month before. I'm sure for clubs it's a very good business every year because everyone likes to dress up and being abnormal for a night.

To find out more, visit my website.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Dealing with rejection

In our job every stripper knows (indeed every salesperson knows) that a NO doesn't mean to reject you, only the product or the service you offer. But in practice it's difficult to deal with. 1 NO is okay, 2 NO is okay, 3-4 and you start to feel down, 5-6 or more and you end up sitting in the corner questioning yourself “What's wrong with me?” or worst, crying in the toilette or in the changing room. Here in Paris, I've seen it a lot. Beautiful girls wondering “What's wrong tonight? Nobody wants me..” I don't want to repeat myself but French customers (or even foreigners) here can give a real hard time for the girls being ridiculously rude and ignorant.

To read more, go to my website.

Monday, 20 October 2014

From Paris With Love

Eiffel tower, Arc de Triomphe and Champs Elysees. It's a beautiful city although I have to confess it's not my favourite. Or maybe just because I always arrived at the Gare du Nord – if I come from London by Eurostar – and it doesn't give the best first impression of Paris. That area is just so dirty and dodgy, especially by night. But the dancers' apartment is in the centre, just 10 minutes walk from the Arc de Triomphe and the building is quite quiet. Luckily.

The work is okay. I already know that my perfect place where I'd like to stay longer doesn't exist. Here the club is renewed, beautiful and shiny. All well designed. One of the prettiest interior of clubs I've ever worked. The staff is nice. The girls are nice too. No pressure on girls at work, everyone works in her own tempo. The apartment is okay. Quiet, not so crowded and the cleanness is all right. I have only problems with customers. So unfriendly, so cold! And they don't want to spend money. I'm a bit surprised because by my experience French guys like me. But here they even feel offended if I ask for a dance. For f*** sake, relax, I'm just doing my job!

To read more, visit my website.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

When airports give you extra excitement

Yesterday I arrived in Paris. I passed the passport control, just needed to get my suitcase and let's go to work. Bags are coming. You know the strange feeling when there are less and fewer bags on the conveyor belt but you're still waiting for yours. Waiting... and waiting. Meanwhile, I had lots of thing in my head. I think you realise you travel a lot when you have more problems at the airports with missing bags, delayed or cancelled flights. Well, this year I had enough...

To read more, go to my website.

Friday, 10 October 2014

To my dear A.,

I'm writing here an open letter to say thank you for your wonderful friendship. We are in a different part of the World, our paths are not crossing often, but you are always in my heart. I'd like to say a big thank you for all your support, either way, it was financial or emotional. There were hard and difficult times in my life and I will never forget that you gave me a helping hand to get over with. I also say thank you for all your advice. I'm a bit stubborn sometimes to listen to anybody else but myself and I apologise if I did not follow them. But often they showed me the path I need to start to walk on and move forward.
You were with me almost from the beginning since I work in the night. You've seen me happy and sad, angry and disappointed, sometimes drunk. Thank you for listening to all my complains about other girls, my bosses and my crazy stories about stupid situations.

To read more, visit my website.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

London makes you lazy

I saw this advert on the Picadilly line today "Don't cook, just eat!" That was an online takeaway ad. I do takeaways or fast food sometimes when I'm on the go or I arrive home after a trip and there is no food in my fridge and that time everything is closed. OK, sometimes I'm so lazy to cook and that's the easier way to pick up the phone and order.
But where is the pleasure of cooking? It's OK to be lazy and just concentrate on the needs of the body. No effort. (Hopefully, you can lift up the fork alone and not lazy to eat.) But I go further. Fast food, fast sex. Have you ever thought about why are so many escort agencies in London? (or any big cities?) Hm? No effort. You don't need to play by the rules, you don't need to buy flowers and bonbons etc. just pick up the phone and order a girl. 

To read more, visit my website.