"Well-behaved women seldom make history."
- Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Laura's research into lapdance experienses 2.

How would dancers feel about giving their sexual partner, or someone that they are in a long-term relationship with a lap-dance? If they would do a lap-dance for them, would they do a different routine to the one that they do at work, and why?”

Do you think that dancers wear the same underwear at home with their partners as they would at work? Would they wear stockings, g-strings or heels?”

You can read my reply here.


  1. I had relationships with three strippers over the years. Your comments all ring true. Off the stage and in private, these women were all remarkably similar to any of the other women with whom I ever had relationships. Although every person is unique, some themes are common to most of us.

    Each wanted respect, understanding, compassion and love.

    They each cried when I did something to show them I felt they were special or when I did something to let them down.

    Like my other lady friends, they all insisted on cash and would not accept personal checks or I.O.U.s.

    1. Everyone in a relationship wants respect, understanding, compassion and love, doesn't matter the gender or the profession. :)
