"Well-behaved women seldom make history."
- Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Sunday 31 August 2014

Why are men so coward these days?

(Some big Egos for sure would love to burn me at the stake after reading this article!)

Yesterday night I had an interesting conversation with one of my customers. We started to talk about relationships generally and he said his opinion is that we live in a women's world. The guy is a master in 3 different kind of martial arts, not the stereotype of a mommy's boy, so I was surprised when I heard that from a strong alfa-male type of guy. Such a convenience, earlier I was reading an article about that when the writer – a man – had the same opinion.

To read more, visit my website.


  1. hmmm - good question.
    i think that truth hurts - so lying is an alternative people can live with it.

    1. It's not an excuse. Lies can hurt too.... :/

      I don't blame them. I just try to understand this habit.

  2. it is a common habit - when seeing a problem the best alternative is either to hide or to run away ...
    who wants to stay and fight? this costs ressources ...

    1. Yes but if as a woman I can stay and fight until they hide and run away, how they want me to respect them?
